Singing student belting

Short Courses for Adults

Sing: How to Belt

Key Information
  • Suitable for


  • Date

    Friday, 5th July

  • Tuition

    11:00 – 16:00

  • Location

    Downside Rd, Clifton, Bristol

  • Cost


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What is Belting?

Belting is that loud and exciting sound you often hear at the climax of major musical numbers. It’s thrilling to hear and often has a lasting impact with audience members. Whilst it may seem like an elite skill reserved for a select few, learning how to belt is a technique that any vocalist, regardless of range can master with the right approach.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll learn to embrace this dynamic vocal style, transforming what feels daunting into something fun and achievable. Led by Jonathan Grosberg, Head of Music & Singing at BOVTS and Estill Certified Master Trainer, this intensive course demystifies the belting process with anatomically focused techniques designed to eliminate guesswork and prevent strain.

Jonathan has worked as a vocal coach in Theatre and TV. With credits including a solo performance at the BBC Proms and leading a choir at Abbey Road Studios, you’ll be in safe supportive hands with Jonathan. 

Course Highlights

>Develop a safe and effective warm-up routine to prepare the voice for belting and prevent strain.

>Understand and apply the core techniques of belting, including breath control, vocal resonance, and range expansion.

>Gain practical experience in belting through guided exercises and applying technique to song.

>Learn how to maintain vocal health and longevity while using powerful vocal techniques in demanding musical styles.




Morning session:

You’ll first focus on grounding the voice, how to warm up safely and set a solid foundation for healthy vocal use. The session will include techniques on how to avoid strain and promote vocal longevity. With practical exercises and expert advice, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your vocal instrument and its potential.

Afternoon Session:

You’ll refine belting techniques and learn how to embed them into the performance of a song. You’ll work on building vocal power, control, and range while addressing challenges specific to your voice. This hands-on session will culminate in a song, integrating everything learned during the day into a real-world musical setting. The course will also briefly cover alternatives to belting that can be equally as effective in contemporary performance.

Graduate Sahir Mehta
As soon as I visited the School, I fell in love with the place. Perhaps it sounds a bit irrational, but sometimes you get a vibe - and you just know! BOVTS gave me all the tools I needed to prepare for a career as an actor. Sahir Mehta, MA Professional Acting, 2018