
Stage Right – Ages 16-18

Key Information
  • Dates

    Spring 2024:
    Sundays, 14 January – 24 March
    Half term: 18 February

  • Fees

    Β£137 per term,
    Partial bursaries available

  • Class Structure

    09:45-10:00 = Registration
    10:00-10:50 = Class one
    10:50-11:00 = Break
    11:00-11:50 = Class two
    11:50-12:00 = Break
    12:00-12:50 = Class three
    12:50-13:00 = Pack Up & Sign Out

  • Bookings remain open for autumn term 2023.

    Bursary applications for Spring 2024 are now closed.

    Bookings will go on general sale for spring term on Monday 13 November.

Book now (autumn term)

Spring term 2024: “Quick-witted tragedy!”

This term will be focussed on things that make you laugh and cry. Students will explore how humour and pathos and switching between them can make your theatrical endeavours richer and more relatable to your audiences.

Students will also look into costume and set design as well as different roles within theatre making such as directing and stage management.

The end of the term will see a short performance for family and friends to showcase the creativity demonstrated over the past ten weeks.

Each group will have two current BOVTS second year students as their main tutors and there will be a Young Artists Manager to supervise the running of the day. The students will be from across our degree courses, from acting through to production arts, to ensure that the skills passed on are current and from the best possible source.

Students developing and growing in confidence during their time here, seeing their work reaching professional standards in approach and execution; a student who intends to be a stage manager producing a wonderful sound design; a first year student making a lovely recording of a song for their recording project; tracking the careers of former students and seeing them be successful; being able to find a job opportunity for a recent graduate. Frank Bradley, Sound Tutor