
Sunday Young Artists

Key Information
  • Dates

    Sundays during term time

  • Times

    Between 9 AM – 1 PM (see timings below)

  • Fees (per term)

    Β£60–£140 dependent on age group. Partial bursaries available.

Book your place

On Sundays during term time, we are open to young people from across the South West. Catering for children aged 3-18, Sunday Young Artists provides weekly classes in performance and production skills taught by professionals with support from our students at the height of their training.

We offer classes for the following age groups:
Wings – age 3-4
Upstage – age 5-6
Downstage – age 7-9
Centre Stage – age 10-12
Stage Left – age 13-15
Stage Right – age 16-18

Every term focuses on a theme, with exercises and activities structured around it. Students will explore performance skills, costume and set design, as well as different roles within theatre making such as directing and stage management.

At the end of the term, students will put on a short performance for family and friends to showcase the skills they learned over the past ten weeks.

Book your place

A group of students are walking in a circle whilst jumping

Term dates, class structure and fees

Autumn term 2024 runs on Sundays from 6 October to 15 December. There is no class on Sunday 3 November, due to half term. There will be a short performance scheduled for the last day of term, for which two seats per student are allocated.

The classes run on the following schedule:

Wings (age 3–4)
09:45–10:00 Registration
10:00–11:00 Class

For autumn term 2024, the fee will be Β£60 per term.

Upstage (age 5–6)
11:00–11:15 Registration
11:15–12:05 Class 1
12:15–13:00 Class 2

For autumn term 2024, the fee will be Β£115 per term.

Downstage (age 7–9), Centre Stage (age 10–12), Stage Left (age 13–15), Stage Right (age 16–18)
09:45–10:00 Registration
10:00–10:50 Class one
11:00–11:50 Class two
12:00–12:50 Class three
12:50–13:00 Pack up and home time

For autumn term 2024, the fee will be Β£140 per term.

A member of the youth group is walking through a studio with costume designs on the wall behind

Autumn term 2024

“Dreamscapes: the Realm of Dreams”

Calling all dreamers and visionaries! Dive into a world where imagination knows no bounds with our enchanting “Dreamscapes” theme. In this ten-week adventure, children will embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of their imagination and create breathtaking imaginary worlds filled with wonder, magic, and endless possibilities.

Under the guidance of our experienced instructors, budding artists will unleash their creativity to craft unique landscapes, dream up fantastical creatures, and breathe life into captivating characters. From soaring through cotton candy clouds to delving into sparkling underwater kingdoms, every child will have the opportunity to explore the depths of their imagination and bring their wildest dreams to life on stage.

Two BOVTS Young Artist teachers are speaking to a parent at the end of a session


BOVTS courses for under-18s are taught by experienced professionals, assisted by our degree students at the height of their training. All hold enhanced DBS checks. You can view our safeguarding policy on our Policies and Procedures page.

The Young Artists Manager and Young Artists Assistant Manager oversee the smooth running of the building each Sunday.

I absolutely love working backstage. It was something I had never done before arriving at BOVTS and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. Madi Barncoat, BA Costume Student