Elkie McCrimmon

Elkie McCrimmon

BA Production Arts

Currently a Prop Making Trainee at Pinewood Studios, Elkie is a Filmmaker hellbent on creating a machine to body swap with Michelle Gondry. She has Production Designed for Channel 4’s ‘Random Acts’, BBC ‘New Creatives’ and BFI ‘Network Shorts’ where she has been able to explore her interest in the manipulation of mise-en-scène to create work with a distinct visual style.

BOVTS credits

Co-Designer and Creator ‘Portalloo’ stop motion animation

Animator ‘To provide all people’ livestream

Camera Operator on the short films Dreamers, Bookclub, Otis and Eunice and livestreams North of Providence and Delores, (Bristol Arts Channel) Hedda (Bristol Old Vic) and Pericles (The Redgrave).

Head of Camera Far From the Madding Crowd (The Redgrave)

Construction manager North of Providence and Delores (Bristol Arts Channel)

Construction Assistant Her Naked Skin, The Laramie Project and Far from the Madding Crowd.

AV Operator The Laramie Project

Props Assistant on Caucasian Chalk Circle (Tobacco Factory Theatres), The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Part One and Two (Bristol Old Vic) and Let the Right One In (Circomedia) and ‘The West Country Tours’


Wounds, BBC New Creatives

Production Design 

A poetic dance film that explores the journey of a survivor experiencing domestic emotional abuse.

Ruby Red, Artist Project

Costume Design 

Collaboration with Costume Maker Jasmine Baron and Artist Ruby Ward.

Pickney, BFI Network shorts

Production Design 

A teenager learns that identity is more than skin deep.

Students drinking coffee in Clifton Village
The training provided by the MFA programme is superb. The depth with which we explore, paired with unyielding curiosity that is met with the most knowledgeable, passionate, expert tutors is what makes BOVTS programme one of the finest around. I feel honoured to call BOVTS my grad school. Rachel McVay, MA Professional Acting Student