Headshot of male student

Jacob Woods

Drama Writing MA Student


Jacob is a writer, director and actor. He is co- founder of the performance group Go Happen and a previous associate artist at Open School East. He trained in Theatre Making at Falmouth University with Dartington College of Arts and in acting technique through Michael Chekhov Europe. Previous work has included Ubuntu Spirit, a devised story across three generations in Sophiatown, South Africa. Wachturm, a site responsive performance in a former Berlin watchtower and A Rule of Thumb, developed with the Belarus Free Theatre. Jacob is currently writing Pinks Furniture Store, alongside the play The Singing Revolution, for which he cycled along the protest route of the Baltic Way as research, the audio series Revelations and the screenplay ‘Gucci’, which explores the impacts of a gambling addiction on a young footballer and his family.


Photo by Ed Felton

It was always stressed that the contacts you make during your training are incredibly important, and your classmates are likely to end up being on set alongside you in the future. After working with a director of photography on one of the School’s short films, I was invited to work on a project with him outside of Bristol - proving that the professionals we meet via the School, may one day give us a call to action! Muir McFadden, Technical Graduate