Jay Faisca

MFA Professional Acting


BOVTS: Buckingham in Henry VI: Days of Rebellion, Macbeth in Macbeth, M in Lungs, Sorin in The Seagull. Pre-BOVTS: Estragon in Waiting for Godot (Ophelia’s Jump),The Exonerated (Long Beach Shakepeare Company), Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire (The Lincoln Theatre), Usnavi in In The Heights (Sexson Theatre), Jud Fry in Oklahoma! (Downey Civic Light Operqa). Training: Bachelors of Music and Theatre (The Catholic University of America), Improv (Upright Citizens Brigade)

The culture at BOVTS is encouraging, respectful, welcoming and empowering; the environment and buildings are beautiful and I found Bristol to be one of the most wonderful cities in which to spend summer! Lindy Yeates, Foundation Course Student