
Morgan is a writer based in Cumbria. She started playwriting at the age of fourteen with her first play Throne being performed at her local theatre. A recent graduate of Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance at University of York, she has written, directed and produced several plays which have been performed around the North of England.

Over the years, Morgan has fallen in love with writing dark comedies that explore the injustices of the world. Her play The Goddess of Vesta delved into the real-life experiences of Kumaris – young girls who are forced to become goddesses – asking why young women need to sacrifice their rights for religion. Morgan would like to develop this play for a UK tour in the future.

She is also writing a TV pilot script The Farm Show, an authentic story about Cumbria that explores loneliness, masculinity and change. Using her past experiences, Morgan is eager to write a story personal to her and is looking for collaborators. Morgan has enjoyed her time at BOVTS finding her true voice and confidence. In the next few years, she wants to expand her skills and learn more about film and radio. 

Students drinking coffee in Clifton Village
The training provided by the MFA programme is superb. The depth with which we explore, paired with unyielding curiosity that is met with the most knowledgeable, passionate, expert tutors is what makes BOVTS programme one of the finest around. I feel honoured to call BOVTS my grad school. Rachel McVay, MA Professional Acting Student