Students preparing for a show at the Redgrave Theatre

Support Our Students

Get involved and support out students

Bristol Old Vic Theatre School is committed to recruiting the most talented students, regardless of background. We believe that an arts education should be open to all and with your help, we’ll continue to break down barriers to training, be they financial, social or geographic. 

Artist stood painting large image

Become a regular donor

As an individual, you can become more involved with School activities, including behind-the-scenes events such as our termly Directors’ preview evening, open rehearsals, as well as opportunities for special ticket offers.

To discuss making a donation, please contact Simon Payne, Finance Director by calling +44(0)117 973 3535, or emailing [email protected].

If you’re not able to make a financial donation, you can still volunteer your time, helping us with termly mail outs to spread news of BOVTS far and wide.

Students in Nicholas Nickleby rehearsals

For businesses

As a charity, we can help you fulfil your corporate social responsibility or community engagement objectives, with a range of opportunities:

  • Entertain your clients and staff at our productions;
  • Advertise to a targeted audience in our season brochures or show programmes;
  • Sponsor a production or exhibition;
  • Book our actors as performers for your own business events.

To discuss a package of sponsorship, please contact Simon Payne, Finance Director by calling +44(0)117 973 3535, or emailing [email protected].

I absolutely love working backstage. It was something I had never done before arriving at BOVTS and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. Madi Barncoat, BA Costume Student