Student grinding metal in workshop

Production Arts (Stage) FdA

Key Information Term Dates

Course suspended

On Sun 1 Sep 2024 we will be opening applications for prospective students looking to train on our new technical undergraduate courses for entry in Sep 2025: BA (Hons) in Film & TV Production*, and BA (Hons) in Stage Management*.

Please visit the Course Finder for further information.

*subject to validation

The Theatre School has suspended recruitment to its FdA Production Arts (Stage) and BA Production Arts (Stage and Screen) courses. This means that the last intake onto the Production Arts courses in their current structure will be in September 2023. The degree course structure and teaching for those students already on the course and those starting in September 2023 is unaffected by this change. If you require any further information, please contact us.

Students developing and growing in confidence during their time here, seeing their work reaching professional standards in approach and execution; a student who intends to be a stage manager producing a wonderful sound design; a first year student making a lovely recording of a song for their recording project; tracking the careers of former students and seeing them be successful; being able to find a job opportunity for a recent graduate. Frank Bradley, Sound Tutor