Maisie Higgins

Maisien Higgins (She/Her)

BA (Hons) Costume for Theatre Film and TV

During her final year, Maisie has specialised in the Cultural Differences in Men’s Tailoring – learning different tailoring skills used throughout the world. Maisie also has a keen interest in theatre and film, having worked consistently at the Bristol Hippodrome alongside her studies, Dressing on shows such as Les Misérables, The Lion King and more.

BOVTS credits:

Costume supervisor: The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (The Station); Vanity Fair (West Country Tour)

Film supervisor/Standby: Jumping Through Hoops; MFA International Interpretive films; Two Alone

Costume maker: Robin Hood and Marian (Redgrave Theatre); Romeo and Juliet (Redgrave Theatre); Pride and Prejudice (The Mount Without); Absolute Scenes (Motion); Macbeth (Bristol Old Vic); The Three Seagulls (Bristol Old Vic); Troilus and Cressida (Redgrave Theatre)

Costume Assistant/Dresser: Romeo and Juliet (Redgrave Theatre); Absolute Scenes (Motion); The Three Seagulls (Bristol Old Vic)



Costume Supervisor ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ (The Station)

Directed by Nik Partridge and designed by Robbie McDonnel, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot follows a court case set in Purgatory, judging the crimes of Judas Iscariot. Included over 40 characters in 1970s era costumes, plus special effects makeup, multiple wigs and extensive dye and breakdown.

Photography credit: Craig Fuller

Costume Supervisor ‘Vanity Fair’ (West Country Tour)

This role included realising the 1980’s New Romantic designs of Gi Vasey to create a sturdy set of touring costumes. With lots of frills, lace and leather plus 80s style hair and makeup, Vanity Fair provides a punky, fun aesthetic. Directed by Paul Chesterton.

Photography credit: Ed Felton

Top Up Year Production Make - Italian Gucci Suit

After searching Italian tailoring, Maisie decided to create a Gucci inspired suit using Neapolitan suiting techniques as shown through the quarter lining, bound seams and light canvassing and structure. Maisie also hand embroidered flowers onto the suit, inspired by the Gucci Flora design.

Photography credit: Maisie Higgins

N'Dea in Henry VI
In just one year the MFA programme has given me the confidence in my artistry and the tools to work professionally that I lacked prior to my training. N'Dea Miles, MFA Professional Acting Student