Headshot of female student

Acting Foundation Course – Lindy’s Story

Lindy's Story

Lindy was always interested in acting and took part in amateur theatre, but decided she was ready to make the decision to try it professionally. She completed the ten-week summer foundation programme at BOVTS in 2018. She spoke to us about what she learned and how the programme helped her to gain a foothold as a professional actor.

Headshot of female student

Why did you choose the foundation course at BOVTS?

Having spent many years in amateur theatre in Australia while teaching and raising a family, I finally found myself with the time and resources to spread my creative wings into professional acting. I needed to hone my skills, to stretch and challenge my knowledge, to iron out old habits and embrace new ways of thinking and working as an actor. BOVTS, though a bold choice coming from the other side of the world, was the perfect fit and I felt both privileged and honoured to be offered a place in the Foundation Course in 2018.

BOVTS foyer at dusk

What were your favourite aspects of the foundation course?

What an extraordinary, life-changing experience it was! Studying at BOVTS is like being embraced into a family of caring, talented teachers and actors who are passionate about the craft and working together. The culture at BOVTS is encouraging, respectful, welcoming and empowering; the environment and buildings are beautiful and I found Bristol to be one of the most wonderful cities in which to spend the summer! Our teachers were deeply committed to seeing us grow personally and professionally during the course, tailoring their classes to meet individual needs within the group. Some teachers even offered private tuition and advice online once I was back in Australia!
I made rich and rewarding friendships that will last a lifetime and was very sad to leave!

Three students sat on wall outside of BOVTS

How do you feel you benefitted from the course?

As a direct result of the Foundation Course, I was able to secure an agent in Australia, and thus have begun working in commercial television. I successfully auditioned for a lead role in the Melbourne season of the musical ‘Bright Star’ and continue to feel confident when preparing and auditioning for professional theatre in Australia. The first role I took after completing the Foundation Course, won me a Victorian acting award and I know I can credit my time and teachers at BOVTS with the receipt of that honour.

ⓘ Please note that the BOVTS foundation course is a separate programme from the BA Hons course. Whilst BOVTS believes the foundation course is excellent preparation for auditioning for drama school, there is no automatic entry to Year 1 of the BA course, nor any guarantee of success at preliminary or recall audition.

Further information about the ten week foundation course.

Training at BOVTS set me up with the skillset, confidence and connections for the career I now have as a freelance theatre designer. Max Johns, MA Performance Design Alumni