Headshot of female student

Becky Davies

FdA Costume Student


Becky is graduating from the Costume FDA course and has a proven passion for costume making. Before returning to education in 2018, she worked in the TV industry as a Costume Stand-by. Since then her skills have vastly improved and she has gained experience in a wide variety of specialisms, including; costume supervision, tailoring, dressing, millinery, dye and breakdown, body padding, wigs and hair styling, make up and corsetry.

During her time at BOVTS she has undertaken work placements such as The National Theatre in London and Bristol Costume Services, and is due to undertake placements at Cosprop and Angels soon. Alongside her studies, Becky has undertaken part-time employment as a Costume Daily for various TV productions.

Costume Maker: “Turn Of The Screw”- Wilton’s Music Hall, 2020, “Her Naked Skin”- Circomedia, 2020, “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby” – Bristol Old Vic, 2019, “Orca” – Bristol Old Vic, 2019, “Sanditon” – Work experience placement at Bristol Costume Services, 2019.

Costume Supervisor: “To Provide All People”- Digital screening for BOVTS, 2020, “The Snow Queen”- Redgrave Theatre, 2019, “Canterbury Tales”- Tour in Education, 2019.

Costume Assistant/ Dresser: “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby”- Bristol Old Vic, 2019,  “The Dissociation of Shirley Mason”- Bristol Old Vic, 2019, “Orca”- Bristol Old Vic, 2019, “Let The Right One In”- Circomedia, 2019, “The Ruff Guide to Shakespeare”- Tour in Education, 2019.

Costume Standby & Dailies for TV:
“His Dark Materials” BBC, “The Third Day” SKY, Invisible” ITV, “The Tuckers” BBC, “Sex Education” NETFLIX, “Casualty” BBC, “Kiri” CHANNEL 4, “Bang” S4C, “Will” TNT/ VIRGIN MEDIA.

Becky is available for work from 6th July 2020.

Photo by Ed Felton

Graduate Sahir Mehta
As soon as I visited the School, I fell in love with the place. Perhaps it sounds a bit irrational, but sometimes you get a vibe - and you just know! BOVTS gave me all the tools I needed to prepare for a career as an actor. Sahir Mehta, MA Professional Acting, 2018