Jessica Padday

FdA Costume


Jess has pursued her dream to study at BOVTS from a self taught background. During her time on the FdA Jess has seized opportunities in costume supervision and developed a keen interest in tailored period womenโ€™s wear, specifically corsetry. Recent internships/placements include Dorset Opera and BCS. Jess is preparing to continue her career in ballet and opera.

BOVTS credits: Costume Supervisor on The Picture of Dorian Grey (The Wardrobe Theatre), Tiger Country (Tobacco Factory). Costume Maker on Radium Girls (Weston Studio BOV), The Picture of Dorian Grey (The Wardrobe Theatre), Jekyll & Hyde (Tobacco Factory). Costume Assistant/Dresser on Radium Girls (Weston Studio BOVTS), Robin Hood (Redgrave Theatre), Jekyll & Hyde (Tobacco Factory), The Nativity: Wilda & the Winter Whirlwinds (Tour). Costume Standby on Scattered (BOVTV).

N'Dea in Henry VI
In just one year the MFA programme has given me the confidence in my artistry and the tools to work professionally that I lacked prior to my training. N'Dea Miles, MFA Professional Acting Student