
Saskia Bath

FdA Costume Student


Saskia is focussing her final year on Costume Supervision with the aim to pursue employment in this field. She thoroughly enjoys the organisational aspects of putting on a show, including using her hair and makeup skills. Professional Supervision includes ‘Value Engineering – Scenes from the Grenfell inquiry’ (Nick of Time productions) and 4 years of pantomime at The Roses Theatre, Tewksbury.

BOVTS credits:

Costume supervisor: Loam (Bristol Old Vic), Ugly duckling, Red Shoes and Other Stories (TIE Tour), Toy Plastic Chicken (Wardrobe Theatre).

Costume Maker: Romeo and Juliet (Redgrave Theatre), Pride and Prejudice (Mount without)

Costume Standby: on The Prang (BOVTS TV)

Costume Assistant/Dresser: Hedda, Three Seagulls (Bristol Old Vic), Far From the Madding Crowd, Troilus and Cressida (Redgrave Theatre), Absolute Scenes (Marble Factory)

Students relaxing outside of the School
The School is in a beautiful part of Bristol, overlooking a huge park called the Downs. We sometimes take advantage of our close proximity to the Downs during the summer term, practising fight and dance routines, or voice or singing classes! Dan Hall, BA Professional Acting student