
In-depth Training

Our production courses provide a broad-based training, combining theatre, TV/film and radio drama production skills.


  • “Without a doubt the BOVTS all round tech and SM course set up for my life as a production manager and technical director.”

    Tom Attenborough (BA SM Course Graduated 2006) - Managing Director and founder, Imagine Believe Global
  • “It was a wonderful environment to realise how valuable teamwork is and how much every department relies on one another to make a production a success. I’m so delighted to have worked that hard to understand what it takes to follow your dreams and get where you want to in life.”

    Corina Bona (Design Course) - Pupeteer / Theatre-maker
  • “BOVTS training stood out because it was practical, disciplined and relevant. The skills I learnt and perfected there, from working professionals, enabled me to go directly into employment, secured before I even graduated. The name and the standards proceed themselves, no more needed to be said on my CV. I have since transferred my skills into live events so still to this day my training is in practise daily.”

    Laura Carus (BA SM Course Graduated 2002) - Event Operations Director
  • was taught amazingly transferable skills on all sorts of different levels, through a very realistic, hands on approach to finding work and then dealing with life within the theatre/film/tv industry. Happy Days!”

    Laura Treen (BA SM Course Graduated 2002) – Freelance Scenic Artist
Students developing and growing in confidence during their time here, seeing their work reaching professional standards in approach and execution; a student who intends to be a stage manager producing a wonderful sound design; a first year student making a lovely recording of a song for their recording project; tracking the careers of former students and seeing them be successful; being able to find a job opportunity for a recent graduate. Frank Bradley, Sound Tutor